What is ARSOM?
ARSOM is a district sponsored and operated ministerial training program that enables individuals to complete the educational requirements of the fellowship for credentialing.
ARSOM uniquely combines home study, classroom instruction, the student’s relationship with a mentor, and active involvement in ministry to set their ministerial formation.
ARSOM seeks to provide the student with the highest quality instruction and resources possible in a practical, and cost effective way.
ARSOM gives educational direction, sets an atmosphere for the impartation of the Spirit, and guides the student’s spiritual development to equip them for effective, full-time ministry.
The Lay Leadership Track is to provide lay ministers with a strong foundation of Bible courses to assist in defining their life's ministry, clarifying God's call on their life, and enriching their Christian walk.
The Arkansas School of Ministry (ARSOM) has been recognized and endorsed by the Executive Presbytery of the General Council of the Assemblies of God as a district based Bible Institute.
The school has also been endorsed by the Executive Presbytery of the Arkansas Assemblies of God as one of the official ministerial training programs for those seeking ministerial credentials through the Arkansas Assemblies of God.
The Arkansas School of Ministry (ARSOM) is a member of the Association of Assemblies of God District Schools of Ministry.
Disclaimer regarding credentials
Courses completed through the Arkansas School of Ministry (ARSOM) that are required by the Assemblies of God for ministerial credentials meet the educational requirements of the General Council for respective levels of credentials.
Completion of the courses however, does not guarantee that a ministry credential will be granted, nor that preferential treatment will be given to those completing the required ministerial training courses through the School of Ministry. The credentialing of ministers is a process separate from completion of the educational requirement.