District Affiliated Church Resources
The resources on this page are designed to equip the district affiliated church pastor, and secretary, with forms and information to carry out the requirements for district affiliated churches. The district superintendent's office, and the sectional presbyter work together with the pastor to help fulfill the ministry and outreach potential of the local church. It is our goal to serve the local church as effectively and efficiently as possible.
District Affiliated Church Reports:
All District Affiliated churches are required to report to the district office and sectional presbyter on a monthly basis. Report forms are available for the church's use, or if computer software is used, those reports can be attached with the basic report information and submitted. Each report is to include copies of the monthly bank statement, with check copies if possible. All reports should be sent in a timely manner the month following the month that is being reported. They can be emailed to dacreports@araog.org as an attached file if desired.
Blank church report forms (the new, updated 2021 one page) can be downloaded to print by clicking here (PDF FORMAT)
Fillable blank church report forms (the new, updated 2021 one page) can be accessed by clicking here (FILLABLE). Please save the form when you fill it out!
The information that was previously requested on page 3 of the (old) form is now a yearly requirement (or when there is a change in information. Please use this form to keep your information current, and send a minimum of one time per year. (FORM) or (FILLABLE INFORMATION FORM)
Background Checks for District Affiliated Churches:
In this "legal" climate, it is vital for churches to take every preventative precaution available. Therefore, all district affiliated churches are now required to do background checks and child maltreatment checks for all persons working with minors. This includes nursery, children's church, Sunday school, van drivers, helpers, fill-ins, persons preparing and serving food in youth groups, or any person working with any minor at any time, for any reason.
Each church should make sure they are doing their own background and child maltreatment checks. There are various companies who do these. The church's responsibility includes making sure the background checks are current, making sure all workers who interact with minors have the checks done, and that the information is kept in a locked file with extremely limited access.
There are several background companies online that churches can use, including Protect My Ministry, and Active Screening Faith.
For CMCR information, please go to this website: https://humanservices.arkansas.gov/divisions-shared-services/children-family-services/request-a-child-maltreatment-check/. Churches, as non-profits, are not required to pay a fee for the CMCR.