World Missions
Here you will find the listing of Arkansas World Missionaries.
For additional information on an individual missionary, or to financially support their ministry, please click on the missionary’s name!
Tony & Kerri Ballard, Africa
Jim & Theda Bennett, International Ministries
Kyle & Porscha Coffman, Mozambique
Thomas & Angelia Carpenter, Compassion Link
Barbara & Terry Castleberry, Latin America
Kurtis & Amy Denton, Italy
Brent & Lori Enget, Europe
Jonathan & Amber Ennis, Guinea
Jordan & Alex Ennis, The Gambia
Scott & Lavonna Ennis, The Gambia
JT & Rachel Espejo, Kenya
Stanley & Catherine Hall, Armenia
David & Carolyn Huneycutt, Builders International
Anita & Mike James, Wales
Steve & Karen Jester, Togo
Melodie Joice, Tanzania
Sam & Stephanie Maddux, Fire Bible
Kenny & Denise Maness, Zambia
Matt & Andrea Marlin, Mozambique
Brad & Glenda McMath, Oral Learners
Bruce & Kay Mumm, Special Assignment
Zach & Olivia Rice, Mozambique
Missionaries who serve in sensitive countries are not listed. You can send an email to cculbreth@araog.org or crussell@araog.org and request a list of those missionaries.