2023 Kids Camps Theme
And I heard the voice of the Lord saying,
“Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?”
Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.”
Isaiah 6:8 ESV
2023 Kids Camp Dates & Speakers
Kids Camp #1 - July 3-7 / Speaker: Bill Harness
Kids Camp #2 - July 9-12 Mini Camp / Speaker: Tim Shurley
Kids Camp #3 - July 12-15 Mini Camp / Speaker: Tim Shurley
Kids Camp #4 - July 17-21 / Speaker: Tyler Loy
Kids Camp #5 - July 24-28 / Speaker: Bill Harness
Kids camps online registration will begins March 6 - 8, 2023.
Kid’s Camp Information
Kids Camp Fees
Full (5 day) Camps are $185 per camper. T-shirt included.
Mini (4 day) Camps are $160 per camper. T-shirt included.
Note: Children ages 7-12 during the camp they are attending,
may attend kid’s camp.
To provide the best environment for the campers, please stay within the following guidelines. We will accept as many volunteers as possible - this is just a guideline for fairness.
1 male volunteer for every 5 boy campers
1 female volunteer for every 5 girl campers
What to Bring to Camp:
Soap, shampoo, deodorant, towels, wash cloths, twin bedding & pillow, blanket, closed toed shoes, clothes for each day's activities, modest swim suit, church service cloths if desired but not mandatory, spending money if desired.
Camp Video. You must watch the camp training video and write the code that is provided on the training form. This form must accompany the volunteer’s and/or paid’s staff application.
For Kid’s Camp Questions, email Karen Gilbert.
Links for 2023 Kid’s Camp registration, volunteers and paid staff.
Coordinator Packet / Camper Registration Forms Click Here
Paid Staff Packet & Info Click Here
Volunteer Packet & Info Click Here
CMCR Backgrounds - Getting Started Click Here
2023 Kids Camp Online Bedding Begins:
Monday, March 6 at 8:00AM & will close Wednesday, March 8 at 11:59PM
A Note About Kid’s Camp
The month of July in Arkansas is an exciting month for the kids of Arkansas Assembly of God churches. It is during this month that we experience Kids Camps. These days and hours spent at Mountain Valley Retreat Center are some of the most important in our kid’s lives.
It is there that lifelong friendships are developed with other kids from across the Arkansas District.
It is there that our kids are given an opportunity to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ.
It is there that our kids are given an opportunity to experience the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the initial physical evidence of speaking in other tongues.
It is there that our kids are given the opportunity to participate in genuine praise and worship.
It is there that our kids are given the opportunity to seek the presence of our Lord while praying in the altars.
It is there that our kids are given the opportunity to experience sportsmanship and team work as they participate in daily recreational activities.
We believe that kids camp should be an environment that will involve the kids in fun, making friends, learning to live together in harmony and most of all, spiritual growth.