NextGen Missions | STL & BGMC 2025 Tour
We had an incredible time on our NextGen Missions Tour, but we missed some of you!
If you are planning to use the incredible discipleship tools of Speed The Light and BGMC in 2025, we would love for you to set a goal.
Please navigate to www.araog.org/goal to set a goal for your church for either STL or BGMC.
Up-To-Date List of AR STL and BGMC Projects
Contact Ben at bandrews@araog.org for a current list.
Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge
Be a part of a movement that challenges children to see beyond themselves and give beyond their limitations. BGMC is an incredible discipleship tool to give children an opportunity to reach other children. BGMC projects aim to inspire the next generation into contagious compassion. BGMC equips kids to know, to care, to pray, to give, and to reach the lost.
"Speed the Light began in 1944 after Ralph Harris, then head of the National Youth Ministries department, prayed for a way to give A/G students the opportunity to help missionaries in their work. Now, by providing ministry equipment to our missionaries, STL is training teenagers to develop individual ownership of the Great Commission as they help our missionaries spread the gospel message to the lost."
Essential Transportation, Creative Communication, Compassionate Demonstration.
Speed the Light
Headed into 2025
2024 Focus
Join us in 2024 as we help the AG Fostercare Network expand across the nation and COMPACT here in Arkansas!