Christian Education Ministry

Rev Matthew & Rev Stephanie Hodges

The greatest foundation for a follower of Jesus is to have a greater understanding of His’ Word! Christian Education is a paramount tool to achieve this goal!  One of the questions that I remember from my Jr. Bible Quiz days was “What is the Bible?” and the simplest answer is this…. It is God’s revelation of Himself to mankind! Knowing the “how’s” and “why’s” is a must for the strengthening of our faith and curial for our evangelism.

Exploring the Word of God can be both fun and beneficial to every reader! We have come a long way in our approach and execution of teaching biblical principles for every Christian believer! Do you remember the days of flannel boards? Those tools helped us to imagine the Bible coming to life! Now with the help of technology we have multimedia and apps to help us engage in learning God’s Word for our everyday life! Small groups, Sunday School, Bible studies are just a few examples of what Christian Education looks like! The possibilities are limitless!

My goal as the Christian Education Coordinator is to help you brainstorm for creative ways to use Christian Education as a powerful tool in growing disciples who make disciples! Equipping and training the local leaders is a passion of mine! I am available to you to propel this Pentecostal heritage. Let’s grow and learn together as we await the coming of our Lord!

Matthew Hodges

Arkansas District Christian Education Ministry Coordinator

Email Matthew


The Discipleship Event, “DIVE”, for April 5 has been canceled.  Please watch for information that will be coming regarding different ways that Discipleship Ministries will be reaching out to assist you in Discipling your various ministries.  We want our people to “grow” in their Bible Knowledge and become greater Disciples for Jesus Christ.  Also, visit the Discipleship Booth at District Council.


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