Camp Training Video &
Ministry Covenant and Agreement
I acknowledge that I have watched the video for the Camp Staff Manual and Policy Statements of the AR District Council of the Assemblies of God. I acknowledge full agreement with said policies and state that I will totally adhere to them, conform to them and uphold them. I understand that at any time I may be asked to relinquish my staff positions due to lack of regard for or lack of diligence in fulfilling said policies.
I acknowledge my responsibility to report any and all suspicions and knowledge of the Camp Director.
I covenant to at all times represent myself in a Christ-like manner to the students that I am ministering to at Camp. I commit myself to a demonstration of a spirit of excellence and an appropriate representation of the Gospel of Christ.
I acknowledge my responsibility to care for and minister to those students I am given charge over, as well as, any other student, leader, or volunteer during Camp. I will strive at all times to see that they are treated with the utmost respect, consideration and care. AR District Kids Ministries and Youth Ministries will not tolerate any behavior that demeans, belittles, or injures in any way students, leaders or staff. I acknowledge that by assuming the role of a staff person at Camp that I am acknowledging and affirming my responsibility to encourage, lift up and minister to the students, leaders and staff.